All Camp WWE Characters

Matt Kasper

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camp wwe

Camp WWE was an adult-themed cartoon that debuted in May of 2016. The WWE cartoon revolves around a kid’s camp run by WWE owner Vince McMahon. The kids and counselors are of course cartoon versions of real-life wrestlers and WWE personnel. The concept was great in my opinion with wrestlers being re-imagined as their younger selves and it was produced by Seth Green. There were only two seasons of Camp WWE and it is uncertain whether or not they will revive the series again.

You can see some Family Guy inspiration in Camp WWE which makes sense as Seth is one of the stars of that series as well. Camp WWE is over-the-top, vulgar, rude, and has laugh-out-loud moments. The scene stealers of the show are Vince McMahon (who voices his own character), Ric Flair, and the alumni wrestlers who make surprise appearances. It’s a shame it only lasted two seasons as there was some real potential with Camp WWE. Nonetheless here are all the WWE characters to appear in Camp WWE.

vince mcmahon camp wwe

Vince McMahon

The brash, billionaire leader of Camp WWE. He is a foul-mouthed character with an ego the size of Texas. His #1 pet peeve is complaining, whiney campers.

Voiced By: Vince McMahon
Debut Episode: #1, No Place Like Camp

stephanie mcmahon camp wwe

Stephanie McMahon

Stephanie is the co-head counselor and possesses the same characteristics as her father Vince. Her character is 15 yrs old so she lacks maturity but she is fearless and power-hungry.

Voiced By: Aly Fainbarg
Debut Episode: #1, No Place Like Camp

triple h camp wwe

Triple H

Hunter like Stephanie is also 15yrs old and a co-head counselor. He is constantly fighting for both Vince’s approval and Stephanie’s love. He has the rough Triple H voice but is lacking the intelligence of his real-life counterpart.

Voiced By: David Michael Brown
Debut Episode: #1, No Place Like Camp

jona cena wwe camp

John Cena

Cena is an 8yr old camper who is always trying to do the right thing. He never gives up and is always trying to help and inspire the other campers sometimes to his detriment.

Voiced By: Ashley Bornancin
Debut Episode: #1, No Place Like Camp

big show camp wwe

Big Show

The Big Show is an enormous 8 yr old in WWE Camp. He is exactly like you would picture him to be in cartoon form. A clumsy, monster who doesn’t understand his own strength or big words.

Voiced By: Dan Lippert
Debut Episode: #1, No Place Like Camp

r truth camp wwe


R-Truth always has information to pass on to the other campers however no one quite believes the stories he tells. He is funny and tends to believe everything he hears.

Voiced By: Frank Lawson
Debut Episode: #1, No Place Like Camp

stone cold camp wwe

Stone Cold

Steve Austin is the “shit” disturber of the group. He drinks, curses, and destroys anything in his way. He and Vince hate each other as to be expected even in the cartoon.

Voiced By: Aly Fainbarg
Debut Episode: #1, No Place Like Camp

ric flair camp wwe

Ric Flair

Ric Flair is an older counselor and definitely the weirdest and creepiest. True to his character he is constantly “Wooing” and strutting around in a cocky manner. He is very sexual and has had some questionable encounters with the local wildlife.

Voiced By: Ric Flair
Debut Episode: #1, No Place Like Camp

the rock camp wwe

The Rock

The Rock is a confident and cocky camper. He is Vince’s cash cow, the cool kid of the group. His theme music hits whenever he requests it or nails one of his signature lines.

Voiced By: Ashley Bornancin
Debut Episode: #2, Not Without My Eyebrow

nikki bella camp wwe

Nikki Bella

Nikki is one of the leaders of the campers. Although she may appear a bit ditzy she is rather cunning and always has her nose into whatever is going on at the campgrounds.

Voiced By: Aly Fainbarg
Debut Episode: #1, No Place Like Camp

undertaker camp wwe


The Undertaker to no one’s surprise is a dark, goth character who is obsessed with death. He is extremely pale and wears his black wardrobe all the time. Oh did we mention he sleeps in a coffin?

Voiced By: David Micahel Brown
Debut Episode: #1, No Place Like Camp

sgt slaughter camp wwe

Sgt. Slaughter

Sgt. Slaughter is Vince McMahon’s secret weapon. He is holed up in a bunker ready to attack or defend anytime Vince beckons. He is also Camp WWE’s toughest counselor putting the kids through rigorous activities.

Voiced By: Robert Remus
Debut Episode: #1, No Place Like Camp

brie bella camp wwe

Brie Bella

Brie tends to leave the spotlight to Nikki and acts as her assistant most of the time. She is the more tomboyish of the two and doesn’t speak much.

Voiced By: Aly Fainbarg
Debut Episode: #1, No Place Like Camp

goldust camp wwe


Goldust is an older character and is Vince McMahon’s assistant around his mansion. He doesn’t speak a word and only communicates through physical movements but the rest of the characters understand him perfectly.

Voiced By: None
Debut Episode: #2, Not Without My Eyebrow

paige camp wwe


Paige is a ghoulish-looking character who is very pale and has a strong English accent. She is very anti-camp and hates most of the activities that the counselors put her through.

Voiced By: Aly Fainbarg
Debut Episode: #2, Not Without My Eyebrow

jake roberts camp wwe

Jake Roberts

Jake is a madman who lives in the woods doing research with his pet snake Damien. He captures any kid or counselor who comes into his territory.

Voiced By: Jack Roberts
Debut Episode: #3, Survival Weekend

mark henry camp wwe

Mark Henry

Mark Henry is the world’s strongest boy and at 8 yrs old has a full beard and a massive build. He loves food and tends to overeat. He is also a self-proclaimed ladies’ man.

Voiced By: Evan Michael Lee
Debut Episode: #2, Not Without My Eyebrow

bray wyatt camp wwe

Bray Wyatt

Bray is a grungey boy that most of the other campers are grossed out by. He has rats in his pants, fleas all over him, and is rather anti-society, to say the least. He has a Deliverance movie vibe to his character and his goal is to corrupt the minds of the people.

Voiced By: Brian Thompson
Debut Episode: #5, A Family McMahon

lex luger camp wwe

Lex Luger

Lex Luger makes two brief appearances in Camp WWE. He is driving his Lex-Express bus from his Championship Tour days in his most memorable appearance. He is voiced by the real-life Lex, Larry Pfhol.

Voiced By: Larry Pfohl (Lex)
Debut Episode: #5, A Family McMahon

rusev camp wwe


Rusev is just a minor character throughout the series. He does not really have any speaking roles but does appear a handful of times. He appears to be a little dim-witted and just stumbles around the campgrounds.

Voiced By: None
Debut Episode: #1, There’s No Place Like Camp

ultimate warrior camp wwe

Ultimate Warrior

The Ultimate Warrior is the Ultimate Counselor who has been banished deep into the woods by Vince McMahon. He is a secret Coldplay fan but will never admit it. His voice actor is pretty true to the real Warrior and his likeness is excellent in Camp WWE.

Voiced By: Xander Mobus
Debut Episode: #5, A Family McMahon

quadruple h camp wwe

Quadruple H

Quadruple H is Triple H’s father. He is a futuristic overachiever who has helped broker world peace for 7 countries. Ironically he is voiced by Triple H himself Paul Levesque.

Voiced By: Paul Levesque
Debut Episode: #5, A Family McMahon

arn anderson camp wwe

Arn Anderson

Arn Anderson makes a surprise appearance as a part of the four horsemen in Season 2. He rides a menacing-looking black horse.

Voiced By: None
Debut Episode: #8, Blackjack Beauty

tully blanchard camp wwe

Tully Blanchard

Tully appears alongside Flair, Anderson, and Dillion as the Four Horsemen. He is riding a white horse with hair as curly as his own.

Voiced By: None
Debut Episode: #8, Blackjack Beauty

jj dillon camp wwe

J.J. Dillion

Dillion appears alongside Flair, Anderson, and Blanchard as the Four Horsemen. He rides a dark gray horse with silver locks as beautiful as his own.

Voiced By: None
Debut Episode: #8, Blackjack Beauty

the godfather camp wwe

The Godfather

The Godfather only has one appearance in Camp WWE but it is a memorable one. He is tasked with teaching the kids about the Birds and the Bees or as he puts it, the Pimps and the Hoes.

Voiced By: The Godfather
Debut Episode: #8, Blackjack Beauty

sasha banks camp wwe

Sasha Banks

“The Boss” Sasha Banks has a cameo appearance in Season 2 of Camp WWE. She appears as R-Truth’s DJ while he is competing in the camp talent show.

Voiced By: None
Debut Episode: #9, The Truth Hurts

paul bearer camp wwe

Paul Bearer

The great Paul Bearer tends to bar in Camp WWE. His likeness and voice are spot on and really add to the sadness that he is no longer with us.

Voiced By: Brian Thompson
Debut Episode: #10, The Truth Hurts

roman reigns camp wwe

Roman Reigns

Surprisingly, Roman is just a background character throughout the series. He doesn’t have any speaking roles but appears a few times throughout Seasons One and Two.

Voiced By: None
Debut Episode: #1, There’s No Place Like Camp

kevin owens camp wwe

Kevin Owens

KO is another camper who doesn’t get much screen time. He has no speaking roles and you wouldn’t know it was him except for the big “KO” shirt he always walks around in.

Voiced By: None
Debut Episode: #1, There’s No Place Like Camp

dean ambrose camp wwe

Dean Ambrose

Dean always seems to be in the background around the main gang but is a minor character at best. He looks identical to his older real-life self and has a mysterious vibe to him.

Voiced By: None
Debut Episode: #1, There’s No Place Like Camp

seth rollins camp wwe

Seth Rollins

Does not speak in the Camp WWE series but he’s always lurking in the background looking creepy. He’s got his classic two-tone hair look and is often seen with either Roman or Dean.

Voiced By: None
Debut Episode: #1, There’s No Place Like Camp

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